Mar 23, 2023


The Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) has a unique responsibility to prepare our students for success in a globalized world. One of the ways that we do this is by hosting university fairs, which provide an opportunity for students to learn about different higher education institutions and further explore potential academic and career paths.

The benefits of hosting university fairs are vast and varied. These fairs allow students to gain exposure to various universities worldwide. This is particularly important for our internationally diverse student community, as many of our students are interested in pursuing higher education opportunities outside their home country. Through hosting university fairs, students can connect with representatives from institutions and learn about programs and offerings tailored to their interests and aspirations.

In addition to broadening students' horizons, facilitating these events and interactions help them build essential networking skills. Meeting with university representatives and asking questions about their programs and admissions requirements requires assertiveness and professionalism that will serve students well as they transition to higher education and beyond. Moreover, taking the initiative to attend a university fair demonstrates a student's commitment to their own education. It shows that they are proactive in pursuing opportunities that will benefit them in the long term.

Beyond these practical benefits, university fairs also profoundly impact students' personal and emotional development. Exposing students to these events can be an exciting and eye-opening experience and help them clarify their future goals and aspirations. By exploring different areas of study and learning about the diverse paths that others have taken, students can develop a stronger sense of self-awareness and purpose, which are critical components of success in academia and life.

Moreover, participating in university fairs can help students overcome fears or anxieties about higher education. For some students, applying to universities can be daunting and overwhelming. A university fair can help demystify the college application process and give students the tools and resources they need to feel confident in their choices by providing a supportive and informative environment.

Ultimately, hosting a university fair is an investment in student success. By providing an opportunity for students to learn, connect, and grow, international schools can ensure that their students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Whether through exposure to new ideas and opportunities, the development of networking and leadership skills, or the cultivation of personal growth and self-awareness, university fairs have the potential to be transformative experiences that can shape students' lives in profound ways.

The University Guidance Office at the Western International School of Shanghai diligently supports and guides students throughout their secondary school careers to ensure they have the best opportunities to secure admission to their first-choice university.

The series of WISS University Fairs was launched with students engaging virtually with over 50 universities worldwide via the NOVVA platform.

Upcoming WISS University Fairs

March 13th

University of Stirling

March 29th

BIMM University

Parents and Students in Secondary School will have the opportunity to engage and meet with university representatives face-to-face. This valuable experience will give students and parents a deeper understanding of what different universities offer. This will help students narrow down their choices as they make the best decisions for their future beyond WISS.

Want to know where WISS students matriculate to?


Academics University Offers Academic Advisory Secondary Academic Results

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555 Lian Min Road, Xujing Town, Qing Pu District, 

Shanghai, PRC, 201702


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+86 (21) 6976 6013

+86 (21) 6976 6015


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555 Lian Min Road, Xujing Town, Qing Pu District, 

Shanghai, PRC, 201702


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+86 (21) 6976 6013

+86 (21) 6976 6015



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