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Feb 23, 2024

Book Week at WISS is more than just a series of events; it is a vibrant tribute to the power of words, imagination, and community. Through these activities and initiatives, WISS nurtures a culture of literacy that extends beyond the school gates, inspiring a lifelong love of reading and storytelling in all who participate.



Book Week at the Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) is a week-long extravaganza that lights up the campus with creativity, imagination, and a shared love for books. This annual event, dedicated to celebrating and promoting literacy, involves the entire school community, from young learners aged 2 to senior high school students, dedicated faculty members, and enthusiastic parents.

One of the highlights of Book Week at WISS is the classroom and office Door Decoration activity, where participants draw inspiration from their favorite books to transform ordinary doors into portals of whimsy and wonder. The colorful and inventive decorations add charm to the school environment and spark conversations about beloved stories.

Voting for the best door decoration adds an element of friendly competition, encouraging participants to showcase their creativity and attention to detail. It's a thrilling moment when the winner is announced, celebrating all participants' hard work and ingenuity.

Another engaging activity during Book Week is the book swap initiative, fostering a culture of sharing and exploration among the school community. Participants bring books from home to exchange with fellow book lovers, creating opportunities to discover new stories and authors while promoting sustainability through the reuse of books.

Visiting authors add a touch of stardust to Book Week, offering students a chance to interact with literary role models and learn about the creative process behind their favorite books. These encounters inspire young minds and nurture a passion for storytelling and reading.

"Snuggle Up and Read" day is a cozy affair during Book Week, as students and staff don their pajamas and immerse themselves in a world of books. The day is dedicated to the joy of reading, with participants challenging themselves to explore new genres and authors while enjoying the comfort of their favorite stories.

Mother Language Day holds a special place during Book Week, emphasizing the rich tapestry of languages and cultures within the WISS community. Parents, staff, and visiting authors share stories in their native languages, creating moments of connection and celebration across borders and generations.

The multiple book stations across campus transform Book Week into a literary carnival, offering a diverse selection of books for students, staff, and parents to explore and purchase. The WISS Book Fair becomes a hub of excitement and discovery, inviting participants to embark on new reading adventures.

The grand finale of Book Week is the Book Character Parade, a spirited celebration that unites the entire school community in a colorful display of literary fandom. Students, parents, and staff dress up as their favorite book characters, bringing stories to life and spreading joy throughout the campus. The parade culminates in a showcase of creativity, with prizes awarded to the best-represented characters.

Book Week at WISS is more than just a series of events; it is a vibrant tribute to the power of words, imagination, and community. Through these activities and initiatives, WISS nurtures a culture of literacy that extends beyond the school gates, inspiring a lifelong love of reading and storytelling in all who participate. 

Promoting and celebrating literacy at the Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) holds immense significance for students and parents alike. For students, literacy goes beyond the ability to read and write—it opens doors to a world of knowledge, creativity, and self-expression. By actively engaging in Book Week activities, students develop essential reading and writing skills and cultivate a lifelong love for learning and storytelling. This celebration of literacy instills confidence in students, empowering them to articulate their thoughts, express their ideas, and engage meaningfully with diverse perspectives found in literature.

For parents, witnessing their children immerse themselves in the enchanting world of books during Book Week is a source of pride and joy. Encouraging literacy at home becomes more than just assisting with homework—it becomes a shared journey of discovery and growth. Parents play a crucial role in nurturing a reading culture within their families, fostering a deep appreciation for literature that extends beyond the school setting. Through their active involvement in Book Week festivities, parents support their children's academic development and strengthen the bond through shared literary experiences.

The benefits of literacy development within the context of WISS are multifaceted. Beyond academic achievement, literacy skills equip students with the tools necessary to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world. By promoting literacy through creative and engaging initiatives like Book Week, WISS fosters critical thinking, communication skills, and empathy among its students. These skills are essential for success in the 21st century, empowering students to become informed global citizens who can effectively express themselves, comprehend diverse perspectives, and contribute meaningfully to society. Ultimately, celebrating literacy at WISS is a cornerstone for academic excellence, personal growth, and a lifelong love for learning. 


Literacy 2024 Events Book Week Early Years Primary Secondary

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