May 19, 2023

WISS Hosts Annual Sports Day

Sports Day at the Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) is an annual event that brings the school community together for a day of friendly competition and athletic fun. Every year, students are divided into different teams based on their grade level and assigned a team color. The teams then compete against each other in a variety of sports and games, culminating in a final relay race.

May 15, 2023

Students Tackle Global Issues | PYP Exhibition

Our cohort of Grade 5 students recently faced one of the biggest challenges in the life of an IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) student - The Primary Years Programme Exhibition (PYPX). This exhibition represents a significant event, synthesizing the essential elements of the programme and sharing them with the greater school community.

For students, this extensive research project builds the foundational skills they will need as they progress through their school career to the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and beyond. The exhibition showcases the knowledge and skills students gained throughout the programme as they exhibit the extensive inquiry learning process demonstrating their readiness for further education.

May 5, 2023

Learning through global contexts

There are two schools of thought regarding Global Citizenship Education (GCE), the soft and the critical, and both schools seek to expand the education of the student at an International School to consider their place in a globalized world (Pais & Costa 2017). The ideological basis of GCE has the noble attempt to counter the effects of Neo-liberalism on education, namely as an antidote to the commodification, marketization, and individualism that characterizes the Neo-liberalist tendency (Pais & Costa 2017).

From that point of view, it would seem that International Schools would see value in promoting GCE in their curriculum. Indeed, that is perhaps why the IBO found it necessary to include the promotion of international mindedness as a core requirement of their programs. Andreotti (2007: 41) posits that the central issue is 'whether and how to address the economic and cultural roots of the inequalities in power and wealth/labour distribution in a global complex and uncertain system'. 

Apr 27, 2023

University Offers

Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) graduates have been offered admission to some of the top universities in the world. WISS provides a high-quality education that prepares students for success in higher education and beyond. In recent years, WISS graduates have been offered admission to prestigious universities such as MIT, Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford, and many more. This is a testament to the dedication and hard work of both the students and teachers at WISS.

The Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) is delighted to share that WISS graduates continue receiving outstanding university offers from world-class universities.

Apr 25, 2023

International Day and Sundowner

International Day and Sundowner are two hallmark events held annually at the Western International School of Shanghai. These events seek to inspire international mindedness and celebrate our diverse and multicultural community that makes WISS unique. With over 50 nationalities represented as part of the WISS Community, we are truly the most international school in Shanghai.

Apr 25, 2023

Can you imagine a world without art? No driving down the highway with the windows down and the music blaring. No staying up all hours of the night binge-watching your favorite television series. No visits to the Art Gallery to take in your favorite artists. No one to create movies, music, or paint. This doesn't sound like a very stimulating environment, does it?

Some educational philosophies only emphasize the importance of academic studies and that Art is simply a hobby or something we do during our free time. Yes, the academic side of education is vital in the development of our youth, but so are the arts. A report by Americans for the Arts states that students who frequently partake in the arts are four times more likely to be admired for their academic accomplishments than those students who do not.

Apr 14, 2023

The WISS Education rests on four unyielding pillars of learning: Academics, Sports, Arts, and Community Service. At the Western International School of Shanghai (WISS), Arts are essential to our curriculum across our Early Years, Primary and Secondary School. 

The Visual Arts Programme offered at WISS skillfully aligns with the IB curriculum. It focuses on teaching students to critique and reflect on their work and develop analytical and problem-solving skills, which are critical for success in the 21st Century Workplace.

Apr 14, 2023

If you have applied for a scholarship, you may be invited to an interview as part of the application process. Being selected for an interview proves that the scholarship committee was impressed with your application, it piqued their curiosity, and they want to know more about your interests, ideas, and aspirations. This final, crucial step is the opportunity to demonstrate you are an eligible candidate.

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